Adva Network Security GmbH

Adva Network Security GmbH specializes in protecting data networks with high security requirements. With our solutions, enterprises, public authorities, and critical infrastructures can protect themselves against cyber-attacks. The high-performance encryption solutions feature very low latency and provide fiber optic networks with comprehensive protection on multiple network layers. This security technology is used in products from Adtran – formerly ADVA Optical Networking – and supports QKD as well as post-quantum cryptography. Our development and manufacturing processes as well as our encryption solutions have been certified and approved by leading government security agencies.
Dr. Helmut Grießer
BearingPoint GmbH

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with European roots and global reach.
BearingPoint’s clients include many of the world’s leading companies and organizations. BearingPoint is globally active, represented in over 40 countries with more than 6,000 employees, and is committed to working with its clients to achieve measurable and long-term business success.
BearingPoint’s Quantum Advisory team has many years of experience in various areas of quantum technologies and works with leading research institutes, universities and industry partners. Our portfolio covers the research and development of quantum technologies and extends to end-customer projects. In these projects, we support customers in understanding and utilizing the opportunities and challenges of quantum technologies. We offer holistic consulting, ranging from strategy development to implementation and operation.
Dr. Ulrich Seyfarth (Manager)
Bundesdruckerei GmbH

Bundesdruckerei GmbH together with its subsidiary Maurer Electronics GmbH is a leading German high-tech security company with its headquarters in Berlin. With innovative solutions, products and technologies ‘Made in Germany’, the company protects identities and data. By creating trust and legal certainty in the digital society, Bundesdruckerei GmbH enables governments, companies and citizens to act with confidence in both the analog and the digital world. As a Bundesdruckerei Group company and with more than 250 years of experience under our belt, the company is paving the way for a secure digital age. Bundesdruckerei GmbH currently holds more than 4,100 national and international patents, employs currently a workforce of around 2,600 and in 2021 generated revenue of EUR 642 million.

As a wholly owned federal company, BWI GmbH is the IT system house of the German Armed Forces. As a link between the military and industry, BWI operates and develops the IT of the German armed forces, carries out digital transformation projects and tests and implements innovative use cases. In the latter area in particular, BWI focuses on the early and application-oriented use of new technologies. BWI’s service portfolio is clearly differentiated from research, as BWI primarily builds on research results and enables their subsequent implementation in practice. To this end, the Competence Center Quantum Enabled Technologies was founded in the Innovation & Technology division of BWI.
The declared goal is to raise awareness of quantum technologies in the BWI and Bundeswehr environment. Market and technology screenings, knowledge transfer from consulting projects and individual trials are used to derive specific recommendations for action for BWI’s service portfolio.
dacoso GmbH

dacoso is a leading managed service provider for network performance and data security in the DACH region. Since 2019 – and thus as one of the first service providers ever – we have also been dealing with quantum-safe encryption for data center connections and site networking via fiber optics.
Together with our partners, we implemented the first customer projects early on in which solutions for Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) are used. We are continuously working on further developing these solutions. For this, we are networked with universities and the development departments of manufacturers in several research projects.
dacoso has its headquarters in Langen near Frankfurt a. M. and eleven other locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Customers include well-known corporations, carriers, medium-sized companies, banks and insurance companies as well as authorities and institutes.
Dr. Thomas Lebeth
Mobile +43 676 450 51 67
DB Systel GmbH
DB Systel GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, is a wholly owned subsidiary of DB AG and a digital partner for all Group companies. With its holistic, customer-specific offering that meets the highest IT standards, DB Systel drives the digitalisation of all DB AG companies. To do this, the company develops effective and efficient customer solutions based on innovative topics such as the cloud, big data, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Currently around 5,500 Systel employees are employed at the main locations in Frankfurt, Berlin and Erfurt and further subsidiary locations. They work in self-organised teams and enterprise-wide networks to support the customers and their variable requirements in the best possible way with flexible ways of working and agile methods.
DB Systel GmbH
Deutsche Telekom AG
Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH, Landgrabenweg 151, 53227 Bonn, is a fully-owned subsidiary of Telekom Deutschland GmbH and provides the nationwide technical infrastructure for the DTAG Group. About 20,000 DT Technik GmbH employees develop, plan, deploy and run the largest mobile and fixed-line network in Germany, on behalf of Telekom Deutschland GmbH. The subsidiary coordinates network projects, manages the network technologies and maintains the relevant technical infrastructure.
Phone: +49 228 181 49494
Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

English partner description pending.
Gerhard Heindl
Phone: +49 89 60882033
Thomas Sichert
Phone: +49 89 60883369
KEEQuant GmbH
KEEQuant GmbH is a start-up company in the field of quantum secure communication.Its core business is the development, production and sale of systems for quantum key distribution (QKD), as well as of crucial components of quantum technology.This forms the basis for permanently secure communication.
The user’s security-critical data remains protected from access by third parties even in future scenarios – such as an attack by powerful quantum computers. KEEQuant GmbH also provides extensive expertise in the field of quantum security through consulting services.
Imran Khan
OHB System AG
English partner description pending.
Norbert M.K. Lemke
Phone +49 8153 4002-168
Dr. Bettina Heim
Phone +49 8153 4002-298
QuantiCor Security GmbH

QuantiCor Security GmbH is a developer of quantum computer-resistant security solutions for IT infrastructures and the Internet of Things (IoT). As a Darmstadt-based expert in post-quantum cryptography, QuantiCor is a reliable IT security partner for companies from all industries.
It supports and advises medium-sized and large companies in their migration efforts towards a quantum-safe IT infrastructure. It also provides various security solutions based on post-quantum cryptography, for example, to implement future-proof cloud and network applications. This in particular also includes the use of quantum-safe and crypto-agile communication solutions and key management systems. For IoT, resource-efficient security solutions are provided to run on resource-constrained devices for scalable real-time applications. QuantiCor has also developed the first standard (DIN SPEC 91444) for quantum-safe encryption.
Dr. Rachid El Bansarkhani
Quantum Optics Jena GmbH
Security and sovereignty of information are granted today by complex algorithm-based cryptography. The rise of quantum computing will challenge our state-of-the art, mathematical based encryption technologies. Quantum Optics Jena GmbH develops and delivers quantum key distribution (QKD) systems based on entangle photon sources to taggle quantum challenges with quantum technologies. This allows the implementation of cyber security solutions based on physical laws. Quantum Optics Jena covers the whole process chain from entangled photon sources, quantum state analysers to quantum key-generation and -management systems. We offer solutions for fiber-based networks as well as payloads and sub-systems for future QKD-satellite networks and constellations. We enable a quantum added value to our customers and partners.
Dr. Kevin Füchsel
Tel: +49 3641 2251463
qutools GmbH
English partner description pending.
Henning Weier
Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH
Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH is an established manufacturer of security products, including in the area of network encryption. Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity offers network encryption devices, also for higher security and performance requirements, and is therefore intensively involved in making these devices quantum-secure. As part of research projects, a connection to (external) QKD devices was developed so that the QKD devices together with our network encryptors enable a quantum-secure transmission of user data.
The partners’ QKD devices ensure that a key is exchanged securely using quantum mechanisms, while our devices then use this to secure the user data that is actually to be transmitted. In doing so, we also pay attention to the system security of the resulting solution, so that in addition to the aspect of quantum security, classic security aspects of a secure system architecture such as robust implementations, the smallest possible attack surfaces through to aspects of a secure life cycle from production and delivery to commissioning and operation through to disposal to be fulfilled.
Public Relations
Esther Ecke
Phone: +49 (0) 30 65 884 – 222
Rohde & Schwarz SIT GmbH
Rohde & Schwarz SIT is an industry leading manufacturer of high assurance security solutions for military and government. Typical products are tactical encryption devices, crypto phones and COMSEC solutions for harsh environmental conditions. Besides that we develop cryptographic modules for modern Software Defined Radios and are involved with the crypto modernization of German armed forces. Of course, all these cryptographic solutions have to remain secure even
with the existence of an universal quantum computer.
Within the industrial consortium Quantum Security, Rohde & Schwarz SIT is especially interested in system architecture, protocol design and evaluation/approval of quantum random number generators. We can contribute with long-time experience of red-black separation, electromagnetic emission security and cryptography as well as approval processes on high security levels.
Dr. Torsten Schütze
Phone: 0711/69945 183
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG
English partner description pending.
Fabian Reichert
Herwig Zech
TOPTICA Photonics AG
We are a Germany-based, privately-held, agile and independent high-tech corporation of the laser and photonics industry with 500 employees located in Germany (Munich, Berlin), USA, Japan and China. Founded in the year 1998, the company is a dedicated development partner and critical supplier to fundamental research, industrial development, and its implementation in the dynamically evolving markets in the areas of quantum technology (QT), biophotonics/life sciences and nondestructive testing. We are supporting the field of quantum security with laser sources for the development of quantum networks, for the generation and distribution of time and frequency standards, with contributions in the field of entangled photon sources, as well as laser-based solutions for the correction of atmospheric distortions for optical uplinks (ground-to-satellite) and satellite-supported quantum key distribution by providing laser guide stars.
Wilhelm Kaenders
Phone: +49 (0)89 – 85837 – 0
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (TÜVIT)

TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (TÜVIT) is a leading international, independent testing service provider for IT security. The company is focused entirely on security in information technology and is active in the business areas of IT security and IT infrastructure. In addition, TÜVIT operates test centers for IT security, data protection (legal and technical) as well as IS auditing and pentesting. TÜVIT’s certification body is accredited in the areas of qualified trust services according to eIDAS, IT security and security technology. The company’s diverse portfolio includes the evaluation of software and hardware in accordance with the Common Criteria (ISO 15408).
Sven Bettendorf