The slides from the presentations given:
- Dr. Bettina Heim, OHB System AG,
Dr. Felix Wissel, Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH &
Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann, Fraunhofer IOF
Introduction by the chairs - Dr. René Steiner, EC
How EuroQCI supports the uptake of QC in the EU - Niklas Lindman, ESA
SAGA 1st Generation – preparing for EuroQCI - Dr. Edeltraud Leibrock, Connected Innovations
How safe is safe? Developments and requirements from a Financial Services perspective - Dr. Marcell Gall, OHB System AG
QKD in Space – unique challenges in satellite-based Quantum Communication - Dr. Manfred Lochter, BSI
QKD and PQC from a security perspective - Imran Khan, KEEQuant &
Dr. Jasper Rödiger, R&S Cybersecurity
The SEQRET project within the Digital Europe Programme - Dr. Helmut Griesser, ADVA Network Security
QKD for the optical transport network - Marc Vanlerberghe, DT GBS Belgium
QKD@DT: Deutsche Telekom’s Journey to Quantum Safeness - Dr. Kevin Füchsel, Quantum Optics Jena
Quantum Key Distribution with Entangled Photons – How Noble Price Physics Revolutionize Cybersecurity