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QuNET Initiative

The BMBF initiative QuNET provides a significant contribution to Germany’s quantum secure IT infrastructure with the support of three large German research groups, namely the Fraunhofer Society (FHG), the Max Planck Society (MPG) and the German Center on Aeronautics and Space (DLR). For this the cooperating partners research and push forward the technology of “quantum key distribution” (QKD) and its applications.
A central goal of QuNET it to put the work from research labs into real-life use. For this, the partners work closely with security authorities as well as with potential users. Also, relevant standardiziations und certification requirements are considered.
The hands-on initiative is open for common research activities with industry and science. The close cooperation with DIVQSec in the scientific-technical Innovation ecosystem of QuNET is guaranteed through the advisory board. Through this the German industry supports the QuNET initiative sustainably and pushes together with it at the transfer of research into usable products.